Sunday, March 1, 2015

Week 7: Famous Last Words

This week I believe that I did my best writing in my storytelling post. This is usually the writing that I spend most of my time writing and planning, so it turns out to be my best writing for the class. I really enjoy planning and carrying out these different storytelling posts. This week I didn’t really focus on a new creative writing style. One thing I did do was just focus on an item, the golden statue, and develop a story that was completely my own.

In the book we aren’t told what happens to the golden statue so I thought it would be fun to imagine what would happen if the man who loved Sita so much just left her statue in her favorite place. I think it turned out well, but I could have put more detail into my description of the statue, why it was left there, and what happened to it when it was left there. I did all of these things, but I believe I could have added more.

This past week was a little stressful for me because I had a quiz in one of my classes that I thought I completely bombed, but it turned out I did pretty well on it! I have a test in that class coming up on Tuesday, which I am very nervous about because I am obviously not the best in this subject. I just need to make sure I prepare myself with my other classes and do lots of studying.

Other than all of this life is going pretty well. I am just trying to decide what I will do after I graduate college. That big life decision moment… stressful. All my friends seem to have everything figured out, which just stresses me out more. I’ll get there though. Here comes week 8, we’re almost halfway done! Or we are already halfway done?

Because I am a huge fan of the tv show The Office, and Dwight is my favorite character please enjoy this Dwight quote. 

(Dwight Schrute quote. Source: hdwallpappers)

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    glad to hear that you enjoy writing and are continually thinking of ways to better it. Sometimes it is difficult to think critically of our own work. I especially find it difficult for myself to even go back and read over or edit what I've written because by the time I finish, I'm ready to just be done with it! Luckily, we have others to look it over and give us their insights.

    Sarah, let me tell you something. Even if most of your friends have figured out what they want to do after graduation, most people have NO IDEA. Hell, I didn't. And still don't! Please don't let it weigh on your mind. You should enjoy your last semester and what it's like to be a college student! I swear, there is no other experience like it. And the resources and things to do on campus are hard to find outside of the academic life. You'll figure out what to do one day at a time. You don't have to know for sure where you want to go, or even the general direction! Just do what makes ya happy!
