Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 5 Reading Diary A: Ravana and the Golden Deer

In Buck’s Ramayana he really elaborates on Ravana convincing Maricha to come and help him capture Sita. When the scene with Maricha was described it was talked about as if Maricha didn’t know what he was doing. It was written as if he was surprised that Rama was following him. This was interesting and surprising for me to read. Pg. 162-168

(Sita and the Golden Deer, by Evelyn Paul. Source: Wikipedia)
I am not sure if the previous book had Indra talking to Sita, but I thought that was a cool scene to add. He tells Sita why Ravana cannot force himself on her. Rama had previously raped a woman named Rambha. Ravana was later cursed by Nalakubra Rambha’s love.  Pg. 177

The story of Vali is different from the version in Narayan’s Ramayana. Buck said that Sugriva waited outside for only one year and then saw blood. In the other book it was for three years (if I remember correctly). Buck also describes the noises that led up to Sugriva closing off the cave. Pg. 191

The death of Vali is also something that I noticed was different from the two books. In this book Vali tells his son to help Rama, and this was not said in the other one. Also Tara, Vali’s wife, kills herself after Vali dies. This is an interesting change in the plot. Pg. 200

I found I interesting that out of all the expeditions sent out to find Sita, Rama gives his ring to Hanuman. As if expecting he will be the one to find her. It does make sense that he is the one to find her though. Pg. 202

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