Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 14: Famous Last Words

As this class is coming to an end and it is a bittersweet moment for me. Bitter because I have truly enjoyed this class and getting a chance to push myself to do different things that I would never have done before. Sweet because it means I am one step closer to graduation and going to study abroad this summer.

I am really going to miss seeing everyone’s stories each week. I think people in this class truly have a lot of talent and it has been so much fun reading all of their stories. I can’t believe it has been 15 weeks it felt like time was flying.

I am super excited for summer to be here, but I am also sad because my friend/ roommate is graduating and going to graduate school next year so I will miss her like crazy. I think all of college is like that. There are such great moments, but nothing lasts forever and that’s hard for me to accept right now.

I saved this Famous Last Words post to be my very last post in the class to get my last two points. I think I have really enjoyed writing these each week to see all of the things I was thinking at the end of each week as the semester progressed. It was funny to look back over them and see all the funny things that were stressing me out at the time, or all of the random things I did each week.

I have loved taking this class and getting a chance to try new ways of writing. I think it has been a love-hate relationship throughout the semester though. I am not the best or most creative writer so at times I really struggled with the different assignments we had, but it got better the more practice I had. I am so happy I took this class!

It's only fitting that I put a picture of my puppy Skyla up here since she was in my very first post in this class, and now my last! It was from her 1st Birthday!

(Personal Photo of Skyla taken in April 2015)